About Me


Hobbies & Likes

The Outdoors

I started tent camping when I was in elementary school. I've continued to love the outdoors through hiking, camping, off-roading, and traveling.


Music has always been a big part of my life - I've been playing guitar since I was in 3rd grade! I'm primarily into rock & alternative, but love hearing new genres and styles as well.


I've been interested in electronics since I was a kid. Currently, I run a homelab where I practice hacking and writing software, and I tinker around with hardware & 3d printers.



bsOS is a project I started in December 2018 to build an operating system. It implements the advice, tutorials, and algorithms available at the OSDev Wiki


SysAdmin is a project I've had for a while; I use it to store helpful scripts and tools for administering my homelab, as well as performing some other jobs. Its written mostly in ansible, but also has some python for scripts such as a flask cookie decryptor, and a text heading file generator.

Vulnerable Apps

Vulnerable Apps is a collection of applications I've written with the intention of having numerous security flaws. These are designed to teach others about common web and system programming errors, such as SQL Injection, and Cross-Site Scripting.


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